
Video, Words and Photos by: Jen Kennedy I arrived at a secret location in Chinatown to see three linked plays. The stories confront the look of madness or survival in a world at its absolute end. The series was called Rivulets, but the plays had their own subtitles and were separate distinct vignettes, all set […]
Cast Album Fundraiser

Photography by Andi Icaza-Largaespada Before setting of to their brief break from playing live (6 months!) Cast held a fundraiser show at China Cloud with guest tap dancers. Preceded by Tiny Pyramids, Vancouver’s Sun Ra tribute trio, the night unfolded into an array of experimental sounds that excited the ear and warmed the already cozy […]
Looking Deeper Into A Transitioning Chinatown

Julia Kwan’s Everything Will Be documentary aims to re-engage the community of one of North America’s oldest cultural enclaves
Written + Photography by Andi Icaza-Largaespada When Julia Kwan’s Everything Will Be screened at SFU Woodwards’ Djavad Mowafaghian Cinema, most 350 seats were taken: the theatre felt bubbling and packed. Arriving a few minutes late granted me first-row, neck-stiffening seats. This was the second of four sold-out screenings of Everything Will Be during the 2014 […]
ISSUE Mag Launch and Vancouver Art/Book Fair Bring the Crowds to UNIT/PITT

Third issue coincides with The Monochrome Shop's last week of exhibition
Photography by Andi Icaza-Largaespada For their third issue launch, ISSUE mag combines forces with the Vancouver Art/Book Fair preview after party at UNIT/PITT. VANDOCUMENT’s photographer Andi Icaza-Largaespada hung out at the launch for two hours. UNIT/PITT was kept busy all night as crowds of people, from gallery goers to VA/BF previewers came and went. From […]
Site-Specificity: Eight Ounces Half a Pound

Vancouver’s racialized labour history inspires a sculptural response at Chinatown’s Access Gallery.
There is no shortage of artists who concentrate on site-specific work these days; and there is no shortage of galleries looking to display work that bears the strong formative and associative imprints of having arisen in a particular time and space. But most often, the relocation of the work into the gallery setting cannot help […]
Oh The Smell Of Blood! Bob’s Salon @ UNIT/PITT

Dance, music, story, and booze meet as part of 'Vancouver, crawling, weeping, betting'
On February 28th, 2014, the last in a lofty series of evenings happened at UNIT/PITT Projects that combined improv dance, live music, storytelling, and matching wine. All wrapped around the book launch of ‘Vancouver, crawling, weeping, betting.’ Bob’s Salon part of ‘Vancouver, crawling, weeping, betting’ a UNIT/PITT co-presentation with battery opera performance Dance: Arash Khakpour, […]
24-Hr Drawing Party @ Project Space

A personal reflection by organizer and participant Margarete Hernandez
Words by Margarete Hernandez Photos by Sheng Ho and Margarete Hernandez Remember when we were children, and pencils and crayons were our basic tools for expression, and how easy it was to talk and play with other children while finger-painting on a crafts table or making castles in a sandbox? I had a lot of […]
Fair In The Square & Chinatown Sundays

A free community event blends into unexpected Chinatown discoveries
Being open to exploration in Vancity takes friend and actor Kelly Metzger and I to Victory Square for a Sunday community gathering, music, and BBQ where we meet dedicated community members and their groups who are working hard to better their neighbourhoods through a variety of support and educational programs and, after walking through Chinatown […]