VANDOCUMENT is a team of passionate photographers, videographers, and writers.

We provide full service documentation to support, promote, and tell the stories of Vancouver’s movers & shakers through photos, videos, and articles.

By creating timeless, priceless event documentation of talks, launches, openings, festivals, and anything that contributes to the heart and soul of Vancouver, we are celebrating and strengthening our city!

VANDOCUMENT’s focus is on our city’s artists, galleries, centres, and festivals because that is where our hearts beat and souls breathe.

We also work for other organizations and companies, even if they are not directly arts-connected, as long as they are ecologically friendly and sustainable, and gender and culture inclusive.


  • SUPPORT creators, orgs, and small businesses by providing limitlessly useful media assets for social media/promotion, advertisement, grant proposals, etc
  • ENGAGE the larger population by showing the huge range of happenings, events, and launches that are happening at places that might otherwise go unknown, created by artists & entrepreneurs that might, too, go unknown
  • CHANGE stereotypes about art and show that it isn’t an exclusive thing; that it is actually one of the most basic, beautiful, and rewarding aspects of life.


Ash Tanasiychukfounder, editor in chief, photographer, videographerformatnoauto.com
Jade Tongproject manageronlyeverfearobscurity.wordpress.com
Sophia Ahamed graphic design studioahamed.com
Crystal Kongsocial media
Hannah Mundaysocial media
Margarete Hernandezsocial mediaabout.me/marghernandez
Brendan Yandtwriter, photographer, audio engineerflickr.com/photos/34797967@N06
Jessie Wengaccounting, not for profit business assistant
Harry Olsonbrand strategycargocollective.com/haocreative

Hailey McCloskeywriter, idea generatorhaileymccloskey.wordpress.com
Justin Ramseywriter, editor
Dillon Ramseywriter, editor
Adi Berardiniwriter, editor
Lucia Mischwriter
Nicole Dumaswriter
Robert Leverooswriter, arts adminrobertleveroos.com
Jen Kennedyphotographer, writer
Barbara Adlerwriter, collaboratortenthousandwolves.com
Irene Lowriter
Caroline Leewritervimeo.com/carolinelee
Kaitlen Arundalewriter
Adrienne LaBellewriter
Kaylin Metchiewriter
Elysse Cheadlewriter
Alexandra Bischoffwriter, editoralexandrabischoff.com
Sonia Lotaywriter
Jenni Pacewriter
Sheena Truongwriter

Xinyue Liu – photographer – liuxinyue.com
Rennie Brown
Laura Harveyphotographerlauraharveyphotography.com
Bryce Hunnersenphotographerbrycehunnersenphoto.tumblr.com
Sheng Hophotographerflickr.com/pangoxiii
Jon Vincentphotographerflickr.com/photoetry
Alisha Wengphotographermusikkpike.500px.com
Andi Icaza-Largaespadaphotographer, writerandicaza.tumblr.com
Ravi Gillphotographeroneupdesign.ca
Ollie Hansenphotographersuite20sevendesigns.com
Eileen Gubarphotographereileengubarphotography.tumblr.com
Eleanor Isdalephotographereleanorisdale.com
Kate Robergephotographerkaterobergephotography.com
Christin Herrmannphotographer
Kendra Archerphotographer, videographerkendraarcher.com
Harley Spadevideographer, photographer, writershuttermouthmedia.com
Leslie Kennahvideographer, photographer rhizomemedia.ca
Adam Stenhousephotographeradamstenhouse.co.uk
Sarah Faye Bernsteinphotographer
Maria Turnerphotographer flickr.com/sniclefritz
Christopher Edmonstonephotographeredmonstonephotography.com
Faber Neifer photographer
Alan Derksenphotographer, videographerflickr.com/alanderksen
Adam Sharpvideographer, photographer


VANDOCUMENT is very much a collaborative effort. In addition to our team, we’d like to thank everyone – our friends, families, and colleagues – for realizing how beneficial and needed VANDOCUMENT is, and for all your priceless help, research, advice, insight, suggestions, and support.

long live #yvrart

VANDOCUMENT team hangout at Rumpus Room, Main St, Vancouver BC, July 2013

VANDOCUMENT team hangout at Rumpus Room, Main St, Vancouver BC, July 2013

VANDOCUMENT team hangout at Rumpus Room, Main St, Vancouver BC, July 2013

VANDOCUMENT team hangout at Rumpus Room, Main St, Vancouver BC, July 2013