Pop Punk Paradise at Seven Dining Lounge

Failing Street debuts their EP at an all-ages show
On November 5th, a young crowd floods Seven Dining Lounge. They’re here to see five musical acts perform: solo artists Joel Stibbs and Bryan Michael, followed by Harper Youth, One And The Same, and the headliners, Failing Street. The show is Failing Street’s debut of their EP, Silver Tongues and Silver Globes, so a large […]
Dancing and Advancing to the Edge

In preparing Together () Apart, a performance installation by performer and MFA candidate Isabelle Kirouac.
Word + Photos by Andi Icaza-Largaespada Midday on a Sunday towards the end of May, Isabelle Kirouac and Willoughby Arevalo are hand knotting a surprisingly complex structure made up of bamboo logs and white fabric on the floor of SFU Woodward’s Studio T. Surrounded by thick black drapes, the labyrinth-like performance space is still in […]

The voices of Femme City Choir
Words by Adèle Barclay Photos by RDM Photography and Art 2015 is year of the femme. The hashtag #yearofthefemme has recently popped up on social media feeds, especially the Instagram accounts of Vancouver queers. As the snapshots accrue, the murmurings have been getting louder—all in the service of validating and hailing queer femme identities. To […]
True Forms and Shadow Play

Carol Sawyer at Republic Gallery
Words by C. Stewart + Photos by Jon Vincent Those present at Republic Gallery for the opening of Carol Sawyer’s Shadow Puppet pressed up close to one another while chatting, maintaining a respectful yet unbidden distance between themselves and the two-channel video installation projected at the far end of the gallery. To get to a […]
Site-Specificity: Eight Ounces Half a Pound

Vancouver’s racialized labour history inspires a sculptural response at Chinatown’s Access Gallery.
There is no shortage of artists who concentrate on site-specific work these days; and there is no shortage of galleries looking to display work that bears the strong formative and associative imprints of having arisen in a particular time and space. But most often, the relocation of the work into the gallery setting cannot help […]

Vancouver’s thirteen-year tradition of artistic mash-up plays to a packed house at The Western Front.
This marks the 13th consecutive year of Spatial Poetics, a celebration of cross-disciplinary artistic collaboration that heralds the beginning of the annual Powell Street Festival. For more than a decade, this event has mashed-up local artists of diverse interests, approaches, and specializations to create new works based on the adventure inherent in the seemingly happenstance […]
Dancing On The Edge: Wobble Tops

Dynamic duo bring a colourful and festive performance to SFU Woodwards
As part of 2013’s contemporary dance festival Dancing On The Edge‘s programming, Wobble Tops performed their high-flying acrobatics for a delighted audience during an outdoor performance at SFU Woodwards. VANDOCUMENT’s Leslie Kennah caught the action in this exciting piece of photojournalism. Click here for the full gallery of Leslie’s photos. For more information: Wobble Tops […]
Safe/Guard and Feast: Mystery and Intrigue at the rEvolver Festival

A teasingly mysterious look a pair of original dance/performances by local Vancouver artists as they begin their run at Upintheair Theatre's rEvolver Festival at The Cultch
On an overcast afternoon in May, Hailey McCloskey and Ash Tanasiychuk of VANDOCUMENT headed to the soon-to-be destroyed green house at The Cultch to get a sneak preview of Safe/Guard and Feast. This show, featuring two separate, yet curiously connected, original works, has been notoriously advertised with very little literal explanation. “A Visual Poem & […]
Luciana D’Anunciação’s Echoes a Textural Body of Movement

At the SFU MFA Spring Exhibition, D'Anunciação's slow reveal of body is a teasingly visual masterpiece
In late March 2013, the Audain Gallery hosted the Spring Exhibition of the current Master of Fine Art students from Simon Fraser University. Titled Syllogisms, there was a wide range of work to take in: a gallery full of paintings, sculpture, projection, and video. I was asked by dancer Luciana D’Anunciação to photograph her performance, […]