Site-Specificity: Eight Ounces Half a Pound

Vancouver’s racialized labour history inspires a sculptural response at Chinatown’s Access Gallery.
There is no shortage of artists who concentrate on site-specific work these days; and there is no shortage of galleries looking to display work that bears the strong formative and associative imprints of having arisen in a particular time and space. But most often, the relocation of the work into the gallery setting cannot help […]
Diffractions of the Local: New work by Seven Vancouver-based, Latin American Artists

Disparate geographies and contemporary art in Vancouver at Back Gallery Project
Written by Mark Jacobs Photos courtesy Roman, Gabriela Aceves, and Back Gallery Project Diffractions of the Local is a new series of exhibitions at The Back Gallery Project, aiming to celebrate the diverse nonlocal origins of Vancouver’s contemporary art scene. Here’s what The Back Gallery Project has to say about the series: Diffractions of the […]
Conjured Citations at Access Gallery

A stop motion animation recreation of the original performance art piece
Photography and animated filmmaking by Ash Tanasiychuk On May 5 2013, as part of In This Together (curated by Derrick Chang), the Tri-University Master of Arts Colloquium between Emily Carr University of Art and Design (ECUAD), Simon Fraser University (SFU), and University of British Columbia (UBC), Guadalupe Martinez and Charlene Vickers, in collaboration with Luciana […]
Finding Our Place In Time: Background / ThisPlace at Grunt Gallery

A retrospective project spans 40 years to achieve collaborative success on a grand scale
Maps at a massive scale, this show needs to be seen to be fully appreciated. Referencing the 1972 ‘Background / Vancouver’ work by Michael de Courcy (with Taki Bluesinger, Gerry Gilbert, and Glenn Lewis), three artists (Emilio Rojas, Guadalupe Martinez, and Igor Santizo) have revisited this conceptual project. It’s gorgeous, it’s intriguing, and there are […]