LAND/SONG/LAND and Song-Walking

The work of artist Claire Love Wilson explored through her words and 2 new videos
VANDOCUMENT’s Ash Tanasiychuk was invited by local artist Claire Love Wilson to video record a performance of her work in progress, LAND/SONG/LAND, at Little Mountain Gallery. During the following Q&A, Claire spoke of her creative development process, the practice of Song-Walking. In order to shed some light on Claire, her creative process, and provide context […]
Hot Dots

A photo glimpse at Russell Leng's Too Many Maps at FIELD Contemporary
Ash Tanasiychuk photos On a muggy June night, FIELD Contemporary opened it’s doors for an exhibition of Russell Leng‘s newest work entitled Too Many Maps. From the event’s write up: I’m sitting under a tree in the shade, sorting through piles of maps. Some I’ve found here; some I’ve brought with me. They’re rectangles mostly, […]
Finding Our Place In Time: Background / ThisPlace at Grunt Gallery

A retrospective project spans 40 years to achieve collaborative success on a grand scale
Maps at a massive scale, this show needs to be seen to be fully appreciated. Referencing the 1972 ‘Background / Vancouver’ work by Michael de Courcy (with Taki Bluesinger, Gerry Gilbert, and Glenn Lewis), three artists (Emilio Rojas, Guadalupe Martinez, and Igor Santizo) have revisited this conceptual project. It’s gorgeous, it’s intriguing, and there are […]