Eileen Gubar

by the light of a candle

by the light of a candle

Photos from opening reception of this year's UBC MFA graduates' work

candle at the Belkin UBC Master of Fine Arts Graduate Exhibition 2017 The 5 artists at this year’s exhibition of UBC MFA graduates are: Matt Browning Steven Cottingham Jessica Evans Brian Lye Carolyn Stockbridge Jessica Evans Jessica Evans is an artist and writer whose work focuses on the body and perception. Brian Lye Brian Lye […]

 Drew Copeland



Review and interview by Drew Copeland On its surface, Eurydice is catchy and engaging, verging on farcical; pausing for deeper consideration, more significant aspects arise from the tragic foundations. The play is both immediately entertaining and enjoyable like Count Chocula, but also offers some gristle upon which to chew in quiet reflection. This popular Greek […]

 Dillon Ramsey

National Stolen Treasures

National Stolen Treasures

Dylan Robinson discusses art music's indigenous inclusions

Written by Dillon Ramsey Photography by Ash Tanasiychuk Go into any of Canada’s “great” museums and you will more than likely come face to face with collections of First Nations artefacts acquired by means that could be called questionable at best. Indeed, colonial Canada has long made a point of stockpiling the ceremonials of its […]

 Shalon WH

The Lesson – Witnesses: Art and Canada’s Indian Residential Schools

The Lesson – Witnesses: Art and Canada’s Indian Residential Schools

Exhibition at Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery continuing a process of healing and education through art

Words by Shalon W-H Images provided by Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery A witness is defined as one who sees or experiences an event or occurrence take place; one who makes testimony, who testifies, who attests the truth of. To be a witness is to state one’s belief in; give evidence, give proof. I […]

 Ash Tanasiychuk

Conjured Citations at Access Gallery

Conjured Citations at Access Gallery

A stop motion animation recreation of the original performance art piece

Photography and animated filmmaking by Ash Tanasiychuk On May 5 2013, as part of In This Together (curated by Derrick Chang), the Tri-University Master of Arts Colloquium between Emily Carr University of Art and Design (ECUAD), Simon Fraser University (SFU), and University of British Columbia (UBC), Guadalupe Martinez and Charlene Vickers, in collaboration with Luciana […]