Porno Death Cult Brings The Spirit To Vancouver

Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg lights up the stage
Written by Shalon Webber-Heffernan Oh-My-God! Literally. Wow! Wow! Wow! to Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg’s one woman world premier of Porno Death Cult at the Firehall Arts Centre that played March 5-8, directed by Marcus Youssef. What do porno, death, and cults have in common? My conclusion: Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg. The performance, largely inspired by a walking […]
The Lesson – Witnesses: Art and Canada’s Indian Residential Schools

Exhibition at Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery continuing a process of healing and education through art
Words by Shalon W-H Images provided by Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery A witness is defined as one who sees or experiences an event or occurrence take place; one who makes testimony, who testifies, who attests the truth of. To be a witness is to state one’s belief in; give evidence, give proof. I […]
Spatial Poetics XII: Release Me @ SFU Woodwards

Interdisciplinary and experimental evening binds both performers and audience through challenging conceptions of space and expectations
Words by Shalon W-H and Celesse McCarthy To kick off the 37th annual Powell Street Festival, an interdisciplinary event entitled Spatial Poetics XII: Release Me took place on July 6th 2013. On the top floor of SFU Woodwards Goldcorp Centre for the Arts is a small stage – Studio D – equipped with scaffolded seating. […]
Music and Movement Mondays

A weekly collaboration of always changing dancers, musicians and locations, Ben Brown's experiment in cross-discipline dialogue is the stepping stone for Shapes In Sound
Written by Shalon W-H and Ash Tanasiychuk Photos by Ash Tanasiychuk and Yvonne Chew A unique series of evening events featuring a variety of multidisciplinary arts – Extravagant Signals – is about to launch into its inaugural year (June 15-22 2013). To prepare, Vandocument’s Shalon and Ash got a sneak preview of the improv music […]