Jouska: Gentle Party’s first album release party

Photos and a video of the Jouska album release party, plus more about this innovative group and what lies ahead
Comprised of a quartet of accomplished musicians, you may already know these artists as individuals or through their associated bands, but if you don’t yet know Gentle Party, get ready. Gentle Party are: Jessicka – Voice projects: Jessicka (Light Organ Records), Hunting (Nevado Records), Glitoris Elisa Thorn – Harp Elisa’s projects: Hue, Jazz Bras, Hildegard’s […]
Gettin’ Cozy, Interactive, and Interpretive @ the VANDOC House Concert

We celebrate our first six months with a house concert full of great people, great vibes, dance, illustration, and music
Photos by Ash Tanasiychuk VANDOCUMENT recently celebrated our 6 month anniversary! After producing 80+ posts, 15 videos, almost 2000 photos, nearly 4000 page views, and building a team of over 30 talented, dedicated contributors, we held an all-afternoon House Concert that extended into the evening. A fantastic gathering of people came to support VANDOC at […]
Music and Movement Mondays

A weekly collaboration of always changing dancers, musicians and locations, Ben Brown's experiment in cross-discipline dialogue is the stepping stone for Shapes In Sound
Written by Shalon W-H and Ash Tanasiychuk Photos by Ash Tanasiychuk and Yvonne Chew A unique series of evening events featuring a variety of multidisciplinary arts – Extravagant Signals – is about to launch into its inaugural year (June 15-22 2013). To prepare, Vandocument’s Shalon and Ash got a sneak preview of the improv music […]