Added on June 2, 2017
Eileen Gubar
Barbara Adler , Bill Clark , China Cloud , Cole Schmidt , Dan Gaucher , Debra Jean Creelman , Do Dogs Dream , Drip Audio , Elisa Thorn , James Meger , Jeremy Page , JP Carter , Peggy Lee , Ron Samworth , Sawdust Collector , Sick Boss , Skye Brooks

Dogs Do Dream & Sick Boss

A night of brilliant new music as these two wildly talented and experimental groups celebrate their album releases
A veritable who’s who of Vancouver’s most talented multi-band, jazz-influenced, free form playing artists, two groups – Ron Samworth’s Dogs Do Dream and Sick Boss – took to The China Cloud’s stage. Ron Samworth’s Dogs Do Dream and Sick Boss The artists Dogs Do Dream is: Ron Samworth – Guitar, Compositions, Text Barbara Adler – […]
Added on February 7, 2017
Ash Tanasiychuk
Barbara Adler , Cole Schmidt , Debra Jean Creelman , Gold Saucer , James Meger , Kyla Gardiner , Megan Stewart

Sawdust Collector is Kicking Up Some Seriously Cool Stuff

Weekly performance series curated by Barbara Adler, Cole Schmidt and James Meger with frequent help from Debra Jean Creelman, Megan Stewart and Kyla Gardiner
VANDOC: Sawdust Collector started Sept 2016, correct? What does the name mean? Sawdust Collector: Yes, our first show was in September, only about a month and a half after we first decided to work together and join the Gold Saucer collective. At the end of February, we’ll have been running weekly shows for 6 months. […]