Wetland Project: Painting with Microphones

Brady Marks and Mark Timmings transform the soundscape of a Saturna Island wetland into pure colour fields.
In Earth Week 2016, Brady Marks travelled to Saturna Island and joined fellow artist Mark Timmings to capture the sounds of the wetland beside his home. With sound engineer Eric Lamontagne, they produced a twenty four hour, five-channel field recording. The artists then worked with programmer Gabrielle Odowichuk to develop an algorithm that metamorphosed sound […]
Get Immersed: Eye Of The Storm V

Audio/Visual Series launches its winter 2013 installment at the Rio Theatre
Photos by Jon Vincent EYE OF THE STORM V: AN IMMERSIVE AUDIO/VISUAL ENVIRONMENT SUNDAY NOVEMBER 24TH, 2013 featuring SOUNS [live a/v] THE TAILOR FLYING OCTOPUS MAROON VINCENT PARKER & LUCY’S YEAYEO BODY BUILDERS POLY HATCHET FADE TO BLACK “EOTS is an event series curated by Taal Mala showcasing local talent in a intimate setting of […]