Weak Stimuli
Tyler Keeton Robbins at Catalog
Words by Brit Bachmann
If you are a follower of Booooooom or Juxtapoz, you have seen splashes of this graphic work. It is not a coincidence, but rather a coordinated effort to introduce people to the talent of Tyler Keeton Robbins, a multidimensional illustrator.
Last month Robbins made his Vancouver debut at Catalog Gallery, located in the second floor labyrinth of Tinseltown mall. The gallery itself is unusual. Shallow and bright, Catalog offers no illusions as to the original intention of the space, which was of course commercial storefront. As with the Ayden Gallery and some other shops in Tinseltown, Catalog is a repurposed space meant to draw creative young professionals.
The opening of Weak Stimuli attracted a range of people from different vocations, young and old. The crowd was a testament to Robbins’ multi faceted art practice, which is openly inspired and encouraged by his partner Amy and their kids. In addition to being a family man, Robbins describes himself as a “basement musician, nascent bilinguist [and] aspiring agrarian.”
From his bio,
“I find the most honest and exciting ideas lay beneath critical thought. Drawing, painting, or creating anything with impatient urgency allows ideas to evolve before they’re corrupted by reason.”
Weak Stimuli is at Catalog Gallery until November 11. Robbin’s drawings and limited-edition zines are also available for purchase online here.
Follow Tyler Keeton Robbins on Instagram.
Brit is Editor-In-Chief at Discorder Magazine, Community Engagement Coordinator at VIVO Media Arts Centre, and frequent contributor to Vandocument. When she isn't writing or sneaking into studios, Brit draws.