Added on June 5, 2014
Harley Spade
Brady Marks , Jesse Scott , Julie Gendron , Permanent Deviation , processing , Video Bar , VIVO Media Arts
Live Art Generation
Official website launch for Permanent Deviation
Video shot and edited by Harley Spade
Photography by Kendra Archer and Ash Tanasiychuk
Text largely pulled from official Permanent Deviation promo documents
In March 2014, the official website launch party for Permanent Deviation kicked off at VIVO Media Arts.
Permanent Deviation ( is an online Processing compiler and simultaneous participatory exhibition space conceived by Julie Gendron in association with Brady Marks.
At the launch party, participants – both local and remote – built upon the code of previous coders to generate new art, an online graffiti wall.

The site uses the Processing programming language, “a generative programming language typically used for the purpose of art making. It is normally executed in a client-side application but this project uses the processing.js library to allow it to be used online.”

The launch party was co-curated by Jesse Scott and Julie Gendron.
This project was developed with the participation of Creative BC and the British Columbia Arts Council.

Ash, Harley, Kendra, and the VANDOC team would like to thank Julie, Emma, Elisa, and the VIVO team for the opportunity to document this event.