Art Map: Fri Sep 8 2017

Every art exhibition happening tonight in Vancouver, mapped for you.
Stretching from Mount Pleasant through Strathcona to Downtown, the DTES, and ending up in Chinatown for the SWARM afterparty & LIVE2017 Kick Off Party, there are 16 art events to fill your Friday with. 6-9pm James Black Gallery 6-9pm The Phoenix 6-10pm Gallery Gachet 7-10pm Access Gallery 7-10pm Centre A 7-10pm UNIT/PITT Projects 7-10pm Vancouver […]
Art Map: Thurs Sep 7, 2017

We’re experimenting with a map to help you find exhibition openings in Vancouver. Let us know how this works for you. Email Tonight is night 1 of 2 of SWARM, the annual celebration of artist run centres. Head to VIVO, grunt, and Malaspina Printmakers tonight, more tomorrow. For more information check out Tonight […]
To Move In or Form a SWARM

Vancouver's annual 2-night festival of artist run centres kicks off it's 15th year
Photography by Ash Tanasiychuk Text pulled from SWARM 15 site, plus event pages SWARM is a 2-night event that marks the launch of Vancouver’s artist-run centre (ARC) programming season with exhibition openings, performances, screenings and special events. Artist-run Centres (ARCs) are collectives and non-profit organizations, run by artists, supporting new and innovative practices in the […]