What is the difference between a boat and a ship

A Peaceful Sea review
Words by Kaylin Metchie Photos by Angela Ferreria What is to be done when we become slaves to our egos? What do we become when the desire to be the best is so strong that it overrides our senses of duty to our nation, to our families? These seem to be some of questions that […]
Exploring The Expressive Challenges and Opportunities of Improvisational Dance

inside the lines | the lines inside @ EDAM Dance
Written by Mark Jacobs Photos provided by Chris Randle Peter Bingham, the Artistic Director of EDAM Dance, has been an early and forceful exponent of improvisational dance, and Contact Improvisation (CI), specifically; so it was, perhaps, no surprise that the six-day run of inside the lines | the lines inside would centre on improvisational work. […]
Leaky Heaven’s der Wink @ Russian Hall

Forging spatial architecture and negotiating its psyche
Words by Hailey McCloskey Water. No wait, trees. Actually, it’s light shining through water on the ground and trees are on the walls. I sit as an island in this multilayered sea of light: I don’t have the comfort of anonymity that being an audience member often provides. This is thrilling, not only for the […]