Art Map: Fri Sep 8 2017

Every art exhibition happening tonight in Vancouver, mapped for you.
Stretching from Mount Pleasant through Strathcona to Downtown, the DTES, and ending up in Chinatown for the SWARM afterparty & LIVE2017 Kick Off Party, there are 16 art events to fill your Friday with. 6-9pm James Black Gallery 6-9pm The Phoenix 6-10pm Gallery Gachet 7-10pm Access Gallery 7-10pm Centre A 7-10pm UNIT/PITT Projects 7-10pm Vancouver […]
Red Gate Takes on Granville Island

What does Red Gate's new residency at the Revue Stage mean to this cleverly rebellious underground arts org?
VANDOC: How did Red Gate’s takeover of the Revue Stage come to be? Jim Carrico: In the spring of last year we were approached by a members of the “Granville Island Vision Committee” to discuss their plans for repurposing the Emily Carr buildings on Granville Island after the art school departs for their new Great […]
Over Under Over Under

A Repetitive Review of a Pattern Show
Words by Brit Bachmann + Photography by Jon Vincent Ragay As the sun descended in the West, orange beams streamed through the security bars on the windows of Red Gate, casting a skewed checkerboard shadow on the gallery floor. While this was definitely happenstance, I considered it an unofficial curatorial statement for Over Under Over Under, a […]
Snooze Fest Blasts Vancouver’s Sleepy Disposition

Wake up! To a brand new 4 day electronic / noise / experimental music fest
Snooze Fest: Perhaps a stab at everyone trying to out-hype everyone else in the promo of the “next big event,” Snooze Fest‘s event write ups signed off with: (; ̄O ̄)*yawn* But from what we heard (& see in Jon Vincent‘s superb photos), the fest was anything but a yawner. These are artists to sit up & […]