VQFF: An 11-Day Film Odyssey

A highlights reel of the 2015 Vancouver Queer Film Festival
By Adèle Barclay Photography by Ash Tanasiychuk, Corie Waugh, and Brian Elliot (supplied by VQFF) Who ever said nothing happens in August? Amidst this month’s busy schedule of the International Symposium on Electronic Art and all sorts of art openings, comedy shows, and concerts, the 27th Vancouver Queer Film Festival kicked off last Thursday August 13th and continues until […]
Celebrations of Change

Tuning in at the Queer Arts Festival
Words and photos by Jen Kennedy On August 1, I attended the Queer Arts Festival’s “I Sing the Body Electric: Walt Whitman & the Beat Generation.” It is only one of the many performances out of three weeks of shows and workshops celebrating queer arts, culture and history through dance, music, theatre, literature, workshops, and […]