“After all, we’re Chinese”

Made in China - mystical humility: a story of home and history
Made in China, performed at the Firehall Arts Centre February 18th-21st, begins with introductions and house lights. The relationship is informal, and puts me at ease. To learn about performers in this way feels natural rather than voyeuristic, which is how I often feel when researching artists’ backgrounds before I watch them perform. Sammy Chien, […]
Leaky Heaven’s der Wink @ Russian Hall

Forging spatial architecture and negotiating its psyche
Words by Hailey McCloskey Water. No wait, trees. Actually, it’s light shining through water on the ground and trees are on the walls. I sit as an island in this multilayered sea of light: I don’t have the comfort of anonymity that being an audience member often provides. This is thrilling, not only for the […]