Hearing Body, Sensing Sound

Wave Equation at Western Front
I arrive at the Western Front flushed, heart thumping. Half from exertion, having accelerated to a jog in an effort not to miss the performance’s billed 8 o’clock start time — and half from excitement: it would have been tragic to miss a moment. I needn’t have worried. Climbing the steps to the second floor, […]
Bozzini Lab 2014: Young Composers Shine in Exploration of New Music

Montreal's superb contemporary- and experimental-classical string quartet premiers thrilling new works by emerging Canadian composers.
On a peerless, cloudless, 20º Friday, with the early evening sun still drenching the city and people abandoning their workweek for the beaches and neighbourhood parks in droves, an audience of nearly 60 others filled a dark, black-box-of-a-room deep within SFU’s Goldcorp Centre for the Arts. They had come to the Assembly Room of the […]