Sixty Minutes of Solitude: A Review of The Builders

An accumulation and performance built by unlikely architects, created and directed by Megan Stewart
written by Dillon Ramsey photos by Paula Viitanen & Ash Tanasiychuk Megan Stewart has always had an acute fascination with folk art, and her performances often take cues from this movement, possessing a vibrant, handcrafted aesthetic that is as fabulous as it is fantastic, in the original senses of those words – that is to […]
Exploring the Microcosmos: Megan Stewart’s The Builders

8pm September 10-12, SFU Woodwards at Goldcorp Centre for the Arts
Dillon Ramsey words Paula Viitanen photos Anyone who has had the privilege of experiencing Megan Stewart’s theatre & projects will no doubt remember the mesmeric environments that define each performance: wondrous and whimsical, her sets seem to enclose the audience in dreamworlds made of mixed and repurposed materials, whose visual and spatial transformations effect an […]