What is the difference between a boat and a ship
A Peaceful Sea review
Words by Kaylin Metchie Photos by Angela Ferreria What is to be done when we become slaves to our egos? What do we become when the desire to be the best is so strong that it overrides our senses of duty to our nation, to our families? These seem to be some of questions that […]
Child-like wonder on a directionless path
Caws and Effect review
Words by Kaylin Metchie Photo by Mind of a Snail We in the theatre community often talk about the slow death of our art. How audience sizes are dwindling, being chipped away by the more easily accessible art media like TV/movies/internet streaming. Often the faces in the seats of one production are eerily familiar to […]
You Have Forgotten More Than You Remember
Mr. Snortoose and the Machine-Children’s Machine review
Words by Kaylin Metchie Photos by Dan Borzillo An open, empty space filled with soulless sound. The ebb and flow of tones wash over your ears. You feel like you’re here, in the present, but at the same time lost in a different plane, a different dimension. Expectation is invoked. Desire builds, but will it […]
Dance Yourself Away
EPIC presented by SFU dance undergrads
Words by Kaylin Metchie Edited by Elysse Cheadle EPIC – SFU Student Dance Show The cavernous Fei and Milton Wong Experimental Theatre at SFU is a formidable arena. Its expanse highlights your smallness, while its dark walls envelope you like a hug from a long lost loved one. Tonight, the space is warm, buzzing with […]
Glancing inward to expand outward
A review/interview of Human Theatre Collective’s CAEZR: 33 Cuts
Words by Kaylin Metchie The sun was high in the sky as my boyfriend and I walked up the hill to The Cultch. It was the second time I had been there that week, and I was eager to satisfy my experimental/contemporary theatre itch. No matter whether you like or hate a play at the […]
Do Your Actions Make Me Who I Am?
A review of FurryN@vel’s "We’ll Need A Piece of Cake Before We Die"
Written by Kaylin Metchie Photos provided by the artists Let’s go on a journey. Close your eyes for a moment and think deeply about who you are. Which events in your past do you attribute to making up your character? The school you studied at? The jobs that have hired you? The lovers and the […]
Secrets From The Arctic Battleground
Horseshoes and Hand Grenades’ new political dramedy brings to light the amount to which we are all kept in the dark
Written by Kaylin Metchie Except in the Unlikely Event of War is the perfect mix of contemporary and traditional, humour and raw politics. And what better way to bring a political message to the masses than through three timelines, complete with comedic moments, terrific acting, constant movement, and even reality television-like video footage and scenes […]