Welcome to the Johnny Horton Remix

In this installment of Klasika, Barbara Adler gives us a taste of some of the music she’s working on as part of her year-long, multidisciplinary art project inspired by Czech tramping.
In Klasika, Barbara uses the Czech fascination with the American Wild West to explore themes of adaptation, appropriation, fiction and thievery. As part of this work, The Johnny Horton Remix project takes these themes and makes them danceable. For Barbara and her musical collaborators, Ten Thousand Wolves, the remix is an opportunity for music to […]
Hey you, it’s me

Story and audio recording by Barbara Adler. Photographs by Jirka Matousek and Míša. After posting “My Cowbojsky Boty,” Barbara Adler returned to Czech Republic, cast as a character in Czech Country, a documentary about Czech tramping which is also the subject of her year-long, multidisciplinary art project Klasika. Her return to Canada’s west coast brings […]
My Cowbojsky Boty

Or, "How to Own it When You Don't Own It."
Writing by Barbara Adler Illustrations by Brit Bachmann Photography by Barbara Adler and Ash Tanasiychuk Videos by Ash Tanasiychuk “A cowboy without a horse just wants to get to where they’re going.” This summer, I picked up that piece of cowboy philosophy by wandering – horseless — through the Czech countryside in a pair of […]
Permanent Deviation

Happy accidents and the transformative power of coding
Written by Barbara Adler Interview conducted by Barbara Adler, video recorded and edited by Harley Spade On March 14th, a new, interactive public artwork will launch at VIVO Media Arts. Permanent Deviation is an online project that allows the public to create artworks using computer code. The launch party will feature public coding stations connected […]