#KMFACE at No Way Cabaret
A picture is worth one thousand f*** offs
Photos by Sheng Ho + Words by Brit Bachmann
No Way Cabaret was a celebration of endurance and a show of support for the opposition against pipelines. It was hosted by Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte and Gabriel Saloman in Unit/Pitt December 12, 2014. While the spirit was more sociable than urgent, No Way Cabaret was nevertheless a fundraiser to chip away at Kinder Morgan’s $5.6 million dollar lawsuit against BROKE and the Burnaby Mountain Caretakers, famously filed against protesters for allegedly snarling at Kinder Morgan employees. In solidarity with the protesters, our photobooth models gave their best #KMFaces.
No Way Cabaret raised a total of $1504.25, exceeding their $1000 goal. Half of the money was given to BROKE. The remaining funds were donated to the Tsleil-Waututh Sacred Trust.
Shortly after No Way Cabaret, Kinder Morgan dropped the 5.6 million dollar lawsuit. Members of BROKE led by Alan Dutton are countersuing Kinder Morgan, arguing that the lawsuit was a SLAPP suit intended to silence protesters by drowning them in legal fees. Discussing the countersuit with Burnabynow, Dutton states, “The issue here is our democracy and the fundamental right to protest… It’s to show people we can fight big multinational corporations, and we can be successful.”
See your face and want a caption? Email britbach@gmail.com with a screenshot and your name.
Brit is Editor-In-Chief at Discorder Magazine, Community Engagement Coordinator at VIVO Media Arts Centre, and frequent contributor to Vandocument. When she isn't writing or sneaking into studios, Brit draws.
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